Tuesday 27 November 2012

Locations List

Locations List
This will be a list of all of the locations that will be used within the production of out film trailer. The places that we will use will be photographed and described to show why we used these locations over others.
Woodland Area (Liverpool Road North)
 This is the main setting for the film and the trailer as the film is called "The Woods" which should inevitably be set in a woodland area. We chose this area of the woods as it is very secluded which means that we could film in confidence knowing we would be very unlikely to be disturbed by passers by. It also gets very eerie at sundown which is perfect for our film. The majority of the trailer will be shot here, but we will have to be careful for debris laying around that may cause injury and also keep an eye on the light levels as the trees will block a lot of sun making it hard to film at night.

Lydiate Abbey
 This was going to be the setting of the second portion of the film trailer in which the Old Man in introduced to the two friends and this is where he has been hiding out. This would have been a perfect option for this as it was once again very secluded so there was minimal chance that someone would be interrupting us while filming, but due to a large amount of rainfall this was unusable as it was unsafe and just to hard to get a good shot.

Lydiate Hall
 Due to our first choice of Lydiate Abbey being unusable we had to think of another place to film the second part of our trailer. For this we decided on Lydiate Hall. Lydiate Hall is a perfect place for us to film our trailer as it is the most secluded place and had absolutely no chance of people interrupting the shooting of the film. It is also very dilapidated giving it a very eerie and dark feeling once the sun starts to set.  Lydiate Hall also has many small rooms in which the Old Man can use as his shelter and is also surrounded by woodland which makes the transition from one portion of the trailer to the next.

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