Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Conventions Of Film Trailers

There are many conventions that film trailers employ, these would mainly be:
  • Representative of the genre.
  • Graphic captions - director's name, date of release, text related to the film.
  • Non-diagetic music - this can also help reflect the genre.
  • Production company logo.
  • Narrative Enigma - this can help to set up the film.
  • Editing - Quick or slow depending on the genre to create tension, excitement or mood.
  • Close-ups - This will show off the stars in the movie.
I will now be comparing the two Harry Potter: And The Deathly Hallows Part Two Trailers.
Harry Potter ADHPT : Trailer 1
Harry Potter ADHPT : Trailer 2

There are some differences between these two trailers such as:
  • Within the first trailer there is a lot less text shown within the trailer and is more focused on the action scenes within the film, it also provides more of an exciting look of the film. Comparing this to trailer two you can see that trailer two is looking to provide more of an overview of the entire series showing how the last film of the series is going to wrap all of the storylines up.
  • Trailer two also uses clips from outside of the film that it is trying to advertise. This is rather odd for a film trailer to do as its main purpose is to advertise the film that is coming out, but as Harry Potter is a very well known film with many loyal followers people will have a nostalgic feeling from watching clips of the older films hyping the film that is coming out.

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