Tuesday 26 June 2012

Harry Potter Film Posters: Semiotics.

Harry Potter Film Posters: Semiotics.

Here I am going to be comparing two different Harry Potter Posters that have been produced for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part Two. Each of the different posters depicts a well known character from the film in an action shot. When analysing these from a semiotics standpoint I can see :
  • Wand  - Action, Fighting
  • Fire / Explosions - Destruction
  • Embers / Debris in the background - Destruction and Violence
  • Clothes - Casual, Not suited for fighting showing that they are unprepared.
  • Action Pose - Action throughout the film. Dramatic Ending
  • Red Flecks - Seen on all posters denoting Anger and Violence.
  • Tagline - Short and very dramatic. Draws peoples attention in.
These posters make great use of synergy as they both use the same slogan of "HP7 Part 2 It All Ends", Both use similar red specks around the scene of the poster, both depict a well known character in some form of action pose and backgrounds. One of the most prevalent things that we can see is is image of Hogwarts, which has become a very iconic image throughout the Harry Potter franchise and has been described as the only safe haven that they have, being set alight and burning down. This is a very hard hitting image as it shows that the supposedly only safe place has now been overrun and the iconic image of Hogwarts is soon to be gone.

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