Tuesday 26 June 2012

Semiotics Recap

Semiotics Theory

Semiotics is the stud of mainly signs. I sign can be described as something that can stand for something other than itself. A good example of this is that the colour red can be used to signify either Passion or Anger.

There are two main theories when it comes to semiotics;
The first belongs Ferdinand de Saussure with his Dyadic Semiotics System. With this theory there is a Signifier and a Signified, this means the Signifier is the object that can be seen within the scene and the Signified is what is otherwise portrayed by this.

The next theory comes from a man called Charles Sander Pierce who invented the Triadic Semiotic System.In this theory there are three different elements.

  • Index
  • Symbols
  • Icons
Charles Pierce described different types of signs. Indexes are signs that directly link to the meaning. Ions are related to the meaning but only slightly, and Symbols do not link to the represent the meaning in any way. 

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