Sunday 2 December 2012

Film Trailer Re-shoot

After filming the footage that we needed for our film trailer our group decided to look over the footage that we had collected to see that it met the standards that we needed. After looking over the footage that we had captured we decided that the lighting conditions that the scenes were filmed in did not fit with the codes and conventions of a horror film. This is due to the fact that it was filmed just before dusk in which the sun is still up providing ample natural light and making the footage very light, this is the complete opposite of what a horror film should be. To rectify this we decided do re-shoot on the day of 11/11/12 the footage that we needed at a later point in the night. The bad thing about this is that there is only about 20 mins of optimal light in which the camera can pick up and still fitting in with the conventions of horror. This was one of the problems which caused us to have to film again to gather the rest of the footage on the 13/11/12. We have decided to keep some of the lighter footage to show a transition from day to night within the trailer.

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