Tuesday 4 December 2012

Poster Mockup

Poster Mockup

I wanted to also create a simple poster for the film The Woods as well as a simple layout on the magazine. I wanted the image and the film's title to be the centre of attention on this poster as well as creating a general aesthetic that will create the feeling of horror so that viewers will instantly know what they are looking at. I will be using the same font as on the Magazine cover for the title as I want this to become associated with the name helping to create synergy within the whole marketing campaign. I will be using a colour scheme of black and red that will be the colour scheme that has been used throughout the production of the trailer and also the magazine once again helping with the synergy. The tagline of the film, "Once you enter the woods... You will never return." will be surrounding the main title as it is on the film magazine linking it directly with the trailer. The release date will be displayed in a slightly light colour that the billing block that will be above it as it allow the audience to see it very quickly and grab their attention becoming embedded within their memory then. I will have two social media links to the film at the bottom as social media has become a very big part of our demographics way of communication and allows them to share the film around much easier and the certificate and production logos will be displayed below the billing block to give the viewer all the information they need about the film at a quick glance. Lastly the billing block will be a lot smaller than the other text on the poster, but the names of the stars and other important roles within the films will be in capital letters to allow these to stand out at a quick glance.

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