Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Woods Film Magzine

Film Magazine
Original Picture


This is the film magazine front cover that I have created for the production of The Woods. I decided that I was going to be taking a photo of Stephen, who plays the Old Man within the production of The Woods. When taking this photo I decided I wanted to have Stephen in costume and on set as I was featuring an exclusive preview of the films and not offering an interview with him as an actor, I feel that this looks professional and well done. An exclusive preview of a film over an interview with one of the actors seem like the best option as it can be used as a selling point for hardcore fans of a film to buy this magazine and no other magazine as they will not have this content.
I edited the picture very slightly, I reduced the colour density of the whole picture making it look more eerie and less bright and colourful which is not to be expected within a preview of an up and coming horror film, I also brought Stephen in front of the Empire Mast head as this makes him stand out and creates a very striking image that grabs the viewers attention very quickly. Lastly I reduced the brightness on Stephens face as the sun had caught on it a slight bit too much when taking the photo.
I tried not to use to many cluttering pugs and puffs throughout the magazine front cover to provide a sleek and simple layout for the viewer to look at making to more appealing to look at as well. As for the text on the magazine I have used the same font for everything that is not to do with The Woods as to not draw away from the main focal point that is the image and the main title in the centre. On all of the magazine text I have applied I small stroke of about 8Pts to the text, this makes the text stand out from the background without making it steal the show from the main attraction. On the bottom banner I have used a inverse bevel making the text look like is has been cut into the banner itself, I have also done this on the one puff in the top left of the front cover. Lastly I have applied a stroke of about 10Pts to the tagline and the main title in the centre, this makes the text stand out more than any other text on the page and also draws the attention to the text as it is the largest by a long while. I have applied a very shallow bevel to "The Woods" giving it just a little bit of depth from the page and once again drawing the users attention straight to this. The font used for the tagline as well as the tagline itself are exactly the same as the ones that feature on the magazine poster helping once again to create synergy.

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