Tuesday 4 December 2012

Magazine Mockup

Magazine Mockup

Here you can see the magazine front cover mockup that I have created for The Woods. I wanted to go a simple and sleeker looking magazine as I believe that this creates a more effective aesthetic for the viewer to view the information, because of this I tried to avoid the overuse of pugs, puffs and anything else that could look out of place within a simple layout. I wanted the main focus of the magazine to be of the image of the actor in the centre, because of this I decided to make the image go over the Masthead of the magazine itself, this is very common practice within magazines such as empire as it creates a very bold impact and draws the viewers attention straight away. The only thing that I will have going over the actor is the name of the film itself showing that that is the main piece of text that is on the magazines front cover. I will be using one font for everything that is not to do with The Woods as to not draw attention away from the specialised font that I will be using for The Woods throughout my magazine and poster creation. I will be using some effects of photoshop on the picture of the actor to make it look a little less bright and colourful to fit in with the theme of the horror genre and also make it look more sleek. I shall be placing both the barcode and the dateline at the bottom right to make sure that they do not distract from the main focus but are clearly visible to the viewers.

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