Tuesday 4 December 2012

Soundtrack Ideas

Soundtrack Ideas

For the film trailer that my group was producing we had to decide on a soundtrack to accompany the films footage that we have shot. The soundtrack of a film is very important, as the soundtrack alone can set the genre and pace of a film. As our groups production is going to be a Horror film we decided for an instrumental score to accompany the footage as vocals would detract from the ambience and the tension that we are striving to create within the trailer. Below are a few of the choice that our group decided on:

Our First choice and the one that we finally decided to apply to our film was In The House, In A Heartbeat. By John Murphy. This is the music that was used in the film 28 Days Later. We decided that this would be a good choice for our film trailer as it is an instrumental piece that starts very slowly and starts to build up into a large crescendo ending. This is perfect for our trailer which starts off slowly setting the scene and creating some tension and ends in an explosion of action with very quick edits.

Another Choice of our group was the Saw Soundtrack. This was a considered as it does the job of building the pace of the trailer and having a eerie action feeling to it. But this was not what we wanted within the beginning of our trailer and because of this we decided against using this as it was just too fast to fit in with the suspenseful trailer in which we strived to create.

The last choice that we had within out group was The Amityville Horror Soundtrack. This was considered as it has a very atmospheric and tense opening that would fit in perfectly with the trailer, but once again the soundtrack did not fit with the rest of out trailer. At the end of our trailer we have some fast paced action scenes that would not fit in with this as it is very slow and suspenseful throughout the whole 6 minutes.

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